Look at the picture.
Read the questions.
Think about the topic.
Warm Up
What types of places do most people in your home town live in?
Houses, apartments, or something else?
What types of things do they have in their homes?
Rooms, furniture, other things?
What types of things do people need to have a comfortable home?
Vocabulary and Pronunciation
Look at the pictures:
Home and Furniture
Say the words out loud to your tutor. He or She will listen and correct your pronunciation.
For more information, see also: House and Apartment
Read the text aloud to your tutor. Your tutor will listen and provide you with feedback.
Speaking Instructions
Describe the house or apartment where you are now living.
How many rooms does it have? How big is it?
How many people live there?
Describe your (bed)room.
Is it large or small? Clean or messy?
Tell where things are located in your room.
Use “there is/are…” and prepositions.
For More Practice
Here are some phrases to use when talking about location:
Talking about Location
Describing a Picture
Draw a floor plan of your house. Describe each room.
Tell where furniture, appliances, and other things are located.
Talk with your tutor about this topic.
Use the expressions and vocabulary you learned.
Use the related resources below to learn more.
Conversation Practice
Role Play
1. Pretend you left an important book in your room.
Call your “mother” (your partner) on the telephone.
Tell your mother where to find the book in your room.
2. Pretend you and your partner are going to buy a house together.
Design the house, discussing each room and how it will look.
3. Pretend you are moving into a new house today.
Your partner works for the moving company.
Tell him/her where to put each piece of furniture.