3. Watch the Video
4. What Did You Learn From the Video?
5. Answer the Questions
A. What are the benefits of watering a garden?
B. What are the advantages of a raised-bed garden?
C. What plants did he plant in his garden?
D. What does he recommend that people do with their gardens after the Summer?
E. What seeds sprouted from his garden last year?
6. Insights About Leisure and Hobbies
A. Raised bed gardening is the best and easiest way to have a garden of your own. Just build a box from six to twelve inches high and fill it with gardening soil made up of one part compost, one part vermiculite and one part peat moss. Plant your seeds and water regularly. That’s all there is to it.
B. To create your own compost you need to construct a compost bin. A good size is one cubic yard in size. Fill your compost bin with a balanced mixture of:
(1.) Green stuff (high in nitrogen) like young weeds without seeds, chicken or rabbit manure, grass clippings, fruit and vegetable scraps,
(2.) brown stuff such as autumn leaves, dead plants, sawdust, straw, old flowers, etc.
(3.) Air. This means that you may need to turn over the pile of composting materials periodically.
(4.) Water. Your compost pile should be about as damp as a sponge that has been wrung out. Sometimes it helps to place a lid over your bin to keep the moisture in the pile.
(5.) Temperature, meaning warm or even hot. This means that the composing process is working.
(6.) It can be beneficial to sprinkle a small amount of garden soil or recently finished compost between layers to help introduce the correct bacteria to begin the composting cycle.
7. Talk with a friend or partner about it.
What is compost?
Discuss how to create your own compost.
Make a list of your favorite vegetables and fruits that you want to grow.
What are the most important things to remember about keeping your soil healthy.
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