Teacher: Glen
Information about this teacher:
Degree(s) and major(s): M.A. Applied Linguistics, B.A. TESL
Teaching experience: 20+ years
Places taught: Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, South Korea, USA: Hawaii, Utah, Washington DC
Teaching specialties: Teacher training, conversation, reading, listening, grammar, vocabulary
Languages spoken: Native speaker of English; Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish
Preferred format for online teaching: Zoom
Time zone: USA Mountain
Best times for teaching: Flexible, around the clock
Teaching rates (in US$) per 30 minute lesson: $30
Contact information: temporarily unavailable
Glen loves teaching and learning languages. He has traveled the world and created tons of free teaching resources for both students and teachers. He is an author and publisher of books and materials for children and learners of English as a Second Language. When he is not on a plane, on the slopes, in the ocean, on the racquetball court, creating websites, meeting with international friends, trying out new cuisines, or running from public office, you will find him quietly relaxing at home.
See Youtube channel here.