Describing a Picture

Here are some sample phrases and expressions for describing a picture.
See also: Free-English-Study: Describing a Picture
What do you see in the picture?
There is a
There’s a
There are some
There’re some
Is there a . . . ?
Are there (any / some) . . . ?
On the right/left
Near the window |
By the door
In the box |
On the chair
Under the table |
The man is _______ ing
The woman is __________ing
What is the man/woman wearing?
She/He is wearing a some
What do you think
I think
Tell a Story
Yesterday, Ms. Jones . . .
Use PAST tense
For Conversation practice :
Situations : Describing a Picture
For an example in context, see
Writing : Describing action in progress
See also :
Grammar : There is/are
Grammar : Present Progressive Tense
Textbook : New Interchange Intro, Chapter 7