The Word is:”his”
possesive pronoun: his; possesive pronoun: His; determiner: His
1.belonging to or associated with a male person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified.
“James sold his business”
belonging to or associated with a person or animal of unspecified sex (in modern use chiefly replaced by ‘his or her’ or ‘their’).
“any child with delayed speech should have his hearing checked”
2.used in titles.
“His Excellency”
“James sold his business”
belonging to or associated with a person or animal of unspecified sex (in modern use chiefly replaced by ‘his or her’ or ‘their’).
“any child with delayed speech should have his hearing checked”
2.used in titles.
“His Excellency”
pronoun: his
1.used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with a male person or animal previously mentioned.
“he took my hand in his”
“he took my hand in his”
Source credit: Google