The Word is:”into”
preposition: into
1.expressing movement or action with the result that someone or something becomes enclosed or surrounded by something else.
“cover the bowl and put it into the fridge”
2.expressing movement or action with the result that someone or something makes physical contact with something else.
“he crashed into a parked car”
3.indicating a route by which someone or something may arrive at a particular destination.
“the narrow road which led down into the village”
4.indicating the direction towards which someone or something is turned when confronting something else.
“with the wind blowing into your face”
5.indicating an object of attention or interest.
“a clearer insight into what is involved”
6.expressing a change of state.
“a peaceful protest which turned into a violent confrontation”
7.expressing the result of an action.
“they forced the club into a humiliating special general meeting”
8.expressing division.
“three into twelve goes four”
(of a person) taking a lively and active interest in (something).
“he’s into surfing and jet-skiing”
Source credit: Google