Topic: Homework Lawsuit
Title: Judge Tosses Out Teen’s Homework LawsuitSource: Daily Times / Reuters
Date: Friday, Mar. 11, 2005
Level: Intermediate
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Try to guess what these words mean from reading the article.
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New words you will see in this article:
Other expressions
attorney general
get (something) done
school district
summer vacation
toss(es) out
Talking Points
With your tutor, conversation partners, or classmates, you may wish to discuss the following:
1. Do you think it is okay to go to court over “frivolous” matters?
2. Do teachers have a right to assign homework over the summer vacation?
3. Why do you think this person filed the lawsuit?
(e.g. to avoid doing homework, to get money from the school district, for fun, etc.)
4. Does everyone have the right to file a lawsuit for anything they want?
How about in your country?
5. Should this teenager be forced to pay court costs?
For More Practice
Pretend you are the boy’s parents. Will you encourage him to file the lawsuit?
Why or why not?
Pretend you are the boy’s teacher. Why would you assign homework over the summer?
Pretend you are the judge. What will you say to someone who files this kind of lawsuit?
Pretend you are the boy. What will you say to your parents/teacher/the judge?
Will your attitude be different before and after hearing the court’s decision?
Role Play any of the above situations with a partner.