The Word is:”want”
verb: want; 3rd person present: wants; past tense: wanted; past participle: wanted; gerund or present participle: wanting
1. have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for.
“I want an apple”
synonyms: desire, wish for, hope for, fancy, have a fancy for, take a fancy to, have an inclination
synonyms: desire, wish for, hope for, fancy, have a fancy for, take a fancy to, have an inclination
for, care for, like, set one’s heart on; long for, yearn for, pine for, sigh for, crave, hanker after, hunger for, thirst for, lust after, cry out for, be desperate for, itch for, covet, need, be bent on;
informalhave a yen for, be dying for
“do you want more coffee?”
informalhave a yen for, be dying for
“do you want more coffee?”
“Tony wants me in the studio”
“he is wanted by the police in connection with an arms theft”
“I’ve wanted you since the first moment I saw you”
desire to be in or out of a particular place or situation.
“if anyone wants out, there’s the door”
2. informal
should or need to do something.
“you don’t want to believe everything you hear”
synonyms: should, ought, need, must
“you don’t want to believe everything you hear”
synonyms: should, ought, need, must
“you want to be more careful”
(of a thing) require to be attended to in a specified way.
“the wheel wants greasing”
synonyms: need, be/stand in need of, require, demand, cry out for
“his toaster wants repairing”
noun: want; plural noun: wants
1. a lack or deficiency of something.
“Victorian houses which are in want of repair”
synonyms: lack, absence, non-existence, unavailability;
dearth, deficiency, inadequacy,
synonyms: lack, absence, non-existence, unavailability;
dearth, deficiency, inadequacy,
insufficiency, paucity, shortage, shortfall, shortness, scarcity, scarceness, scantiness, under supply, deficit;
rare exiguity
“millions perished for want of a safe haven”
rare exiguity
“millions perished for want of a safe haven”
antonyms: abundance, presence
“freedom from want”
synonyms: need, neediness, austerity, privation, deprivation, poverty, impoverishment,
impecuniousness, impecuniosity, pennilessness, pauperism, penury, destitution, famine, drought, indigence
“a time of want”
“a time of want”
antonyms: wealth, plenty
2. a desire for something.
“the expression of our wants and desires”
synonyms: wish, desire, demand, longing, yearning, fancy, craving, hankering; need, requirement,
synonyms: wish, desire, demand, longing, yearning, fancy, craving, hankering; need, requirement,
necessity, essential, requisite;
“she had faith that all her wants would be taken care of”
“she had faith that all her wants would be taken care of”
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