Speaking Situations: Encouraging Words
- Phrases for these situations
Conversation practice:
Role play* the following situations with a partner:
1. Your partner has just arrived at your home. What do you say?
2. You haven’t seen your partner for a long time.
What do you say when you see him/her again?
3. Your partner just arrived at the airport in your city. Welcome him/her.
Additional phrases:
It’s good to be here. (guest says)
I hope you had a nice flight. (host says)
4. After a short conversation, your friend has to leave.
What do you say to him/her?
5. You are seeing your friend off at the airport.
What do you say?
6. Your partner is leaving a party that you hosted. What do you say?
Additional phrases:
Thanks for coming. (host says)
I’m glad you came.
Thanks for inviting me. (guest says)
I really had a good time.
7. Your partner has a big exam this afternoon. What do you say?
8. Your partner has a job interview tomorrow. What do you say?
9. Your partner’s dog was hit by a car. He/She is worried, but the dog will be okay.
What do you say?
Good news
10. Your partner’s wife just had a healthy baby daughter. What do you say?
11. Your partner just got a huge promotion at work. What do you say?
12. Your partner just won first prize in a cooking contest. What do you say?
Bad news
13. Your partner lost $15,000 on the stock market. What do you say?
14. Your partner’s grandmother just passed away. What do you say?
15. Your partner’s home was destroyed by a tornado. What do you say?
A typical response to an expression of goodwill is “thank you (for . . .)”
or a reciprocal expression of goodwill.
Come in. Welcome to our home.
Thanks for inviting us.
It’s been nice talking to you.
Good talking to you too.