Look at these pictures:
Body and Health
(Click on pictures to hear pronunciation.)
Say the English word for different body parts as you point to them
on a picture or on your own body.
Tell why particular body parts are important.
Tell how to take care of your teeth, hands, hair, etc.
Tell about an accident or a time when you hurt yourself.
Describe what happened to specific body parts.
For example, “Last year, I broke my leg…”
Phrases for Conversation: Talking about Feelings and Health
(Click for Audio.)
Situations: Talking about Feelings/Health
Look at a picture of someone. Describe the person in the picture and have your partner draw that person.
Talk to a partner about how you feel today.
Pretend your partner is a doctor. Imagine you have an illness.
Describe your condition to the doctor.
Take turns asking each other to touch or move different body parts.
(e.g. touch your right arm; move your eyes, etc.)
For More Practice:
textbook: New Interchange Intro, Chapter 12