Talents and Skills
Talents and Skills Click Here for Audio
- Do you . . . ? / Can you . . . ? / Do you know how to . . . ?
- play basketball
- play tennis
- (play) golf
- ski
- fish
- bowl
- ice skate
- lift weights
- play the piano
- play the violin
- play the drums
- sing
- dance
- act
- perform
- do sculpture/ceramics
- do flower arrangement
- do handicrafts
- do embroidery
- paint
- draw
- knit
- sew
- cook
- write poetry
- give presentations
- speak a foreign language
- work well with your hands
- work well with numbers
- work with tools
- work with wood / leather / metal / plastic(s)
- use a computer
- design things
- build things
- repair things
For Conversation practice:
Speaking Situations: Talking about Abilities
See also:
Vocabulary: Sports/Fun/Recreation
Vocabulary: Musical Instruments
For Vocabulary Games, see Learning Vocabulary Can Be Fun.