In order to best practice your English reading skills, we recommend three things:

Students in a park
1. Good reading materials.
Short, realistic, a little higher than your level.
Find authentic reading materials from various sources.
Books, articles, other publications, the internet.
See our lists of topics and articles for reading.
Many textbooks have good skill-building exercises.
2. Background information.
Know something about the topic beforehand.
Prepare your mind by thinking about the topic ahead of time.
Think about vocabulary you might need to understand the text.
Pick out a few new words from the passage itself.
Predict what language and information you might encounter in reading.
3. Techniques for Practice.
Read for general and specific information.
At first, skim (look quickly) over the article to get the main idea.
Ask yourself questions about what you are about to read.
When you are focused, read a second time for specific details.
Have a purpose or something to find out from your reading.
Try to answer the questions you have formulated.
Read a third time to review what you have learned.
Think about or discuss what you have just read.