Traffic Terms: Roads & Streets
For Pictures, see: The Oxford Picture Dictionary, pages 90-91.
For Vocabulary Games, see Learning Vocabulary Can Be Fun.
Narrow passageway for foot traffic
Narrow passageway for foot traffic
Narrow passwageway for vehicles
A division of a road marked off with painted lines
Residential street or to “drive” a car
Two lanes
Two lanes
A roadway in a city, typically tree lined
A roadway in a city, typically tree lined
Road with Several lanes
Super highway
Super highway
Paid Super Highway
Crossing roads or super highways
Entrance to super highway
Exit from super highway
Automatically operated colored lights to control traffic
Traffic sign instructing drivers to stop before proceeding
A marked area on a roadway for pedestrian walking
A pedestrian crossing with painted lines
A bridge by which a road passes over another
A bridge by which a road passes over another
A road or pedestrian tunnel passing under a road
An perpendicular intersection of two roads or streets
An area bounded by four streets; or a barrier
An underground passageway for a road or street
Stoppage or blockage of traffic